Vibration procedure - Preventive Maintenance

The Procedures for Vibration monitoring activities has been conceived as a reference for the person who involved directly or indirectly in this activity. It gathers schedules of vibration monitoring, standard formats and reporting culture.

The objectives of the procedures for Preventive maintenance Activities can be summarized as follows:

v  Maintenance carried out at predetermined intervals and intended to reduce the probability of failure or the performance degradation of an item.
v  Regular and systematic inspection, cleaning, and replacement of worn parts, materials, and systems
v  Actions that detect preclude or mitigate degradation of a functional structure, system or component to sustain or extend its useful life by controlling degradation and failures to an acceptable level.
v  The care and servicing by personnel for the purpose of maintaining equipment and facilities in satisfactory operating condition by providing for systematic inspection, detection, and correction of incipient failures either before they occur or before they develop into major defects.


As in every aspect of Maintenance, Safety comes first.

1.     No loose clothing or loose gloves will be worn.
2. Beware of all rotary shafts, bearing collars and movement.
3.       Beware of start-up and stopping forces; energy is very high.
4.     Standard PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) will be worn.
5.     Hearing protection will be used where required by company or need has been determined by technician.
6.     Muffling head sets will be used in locations where numerous high noise levels are present, at the discretion of technician.

The Procedure consist of following cycle-

1. Scheduling of Activity
2. Uploading of Route from analyzer software to vibration analyzer (FFT)
3. Data Collection from site
4. Analysis against standard parameters
5. Report Creation
6. Communication with other departments
7. Rechecking

1. Scheduling of Activity
Scheduling defines the timing of work, and when this work will be done. Before scheduling the equipments, first we identified the equipments for vibration analysis. And
The following are created which are briefly described in following Annexure-a) Vibration routes Scheduling _Annexure 1 All equipments has divided into routes according to the sections.

2. Uploading of Route from analyzer software to vibration analyzer

3. Data Collection from site- Measurement should be taken from same point at every time for that proper marking should be done. Vibration points (H,V &A) are marked at each equipments as per guidelines.

  Acceleration = g’s rms. or peak 
Velocity = inch/s rms. or peak 
    Displacement = mils peak to peak

Points to be remember
    Select the best measurement point on the machine. Avoid painted surfaces, unloaded bearing zones, housing splits, and structural gaps.
When measuring vibration with a hand-held sensor, it is imperative that you perform consistent readings, paying close attention to the sensors position on the machinery, the sensors angle to the machinery, and the contact pressure with which the sensor is held on the machinery.

    Use accelerometer of 100mv/g.

    Marking the sensor placement location & always use these points for data collection.
  1.     Pk-Pk / 2 = Peak 
  2.     Peak x 0.707 = RMS (Peak / 1.414 = RMS) 
  3.     RMS x 1.414 = Peak (RMS / 0.707 = Peak) 
  4.     Peak x 2 = Pk-Pk

4. Analysis against standard parameters
After data collection, collected data is compare with the standard values. For vibration measurement, we follow ISO 10816-1 1995 (former ISO 2372) standard that is more or less identical with DIN 45665 or the VDI 2056 guide line.

5. Report Creation
After analysis, we create analysis report .We have a standard vibration report format. If in analysis we found some abnormality we send a analysis report to concern department. Always use standard vibration analysis report.

6. Rechecking -
After correction of problem we again check the equipment to ensure the rectification of problem.

7. Vibration Analysis PDF file

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